We are Terrible at making Websites

We are currently on Facetime trying to figure out how to 1. make this website and 2. upload these pesky images to said website. It is so nice to be working on a project with you. It feels so strange to be out of school and not have deadlines or anything right now, since so far in my life school is all I’ve done. Due to that, I feel lost in what my purpose is. Whoops didn’t mean to get so deep so fast, but here we are.

Anyway, this website will be a fun way to record our thoughts and feelings (you know I am a slut for archaeology and the archives). I really see the value in recording everyday mundane experiences as a way of personal reflection. Once, I tried to keep a journal, but that lasted like one month before it just because a field notebook for the dig I was working at. I know I keep lots of pictures as a way of recording my everyday life, for example, the image at the top of this bletter is from we last visited. You came to see me and we explored that graveyard, even if it was brief, it was so nice to see you. I miss you dearly and I wish I could just pop over to your room and watch movies and music videos with you.

Final note before I sign off, these analysis prompts at the bottom of the blog writer thingy are really funny to me. It is telling me that my sentences are entirely too long, and that I start too many sentences with the same words. Boi, I have complex thoughts and I will use as many commas as I please. On the other hand, for once I am not using passive voice so thats good.

Talk to you soon,