The art of being good

Dear Alex,

Recently I was sitting in the car with a friend and my eyes were in so much pain, and I knew it was because I’ve been starring at my phone for hours on end that day, but I didn’t want to admit it. It’s a hard thing to admit, an addiction, something that I reach for without even noticing it. And unfortunately it’s so easy to get caught in a cycle. All I really do is watch YouTube videos, read fanfic and sometimes scroll Pinterest. Nothing of that is substantial or mind enhancing in any way. It’s just time suck and mind flush.

I’ll be honest, I lack hobbies and drive to learn, and desire to do anything half the time. But in the late hours of the night and early hours of the morning I feel like I know the path to take to be good to myself, my body, my brain.

So here’s a list, maybe if I write it out I’ll become something I can turn to.

Activities (involving screens)

– playing video games

There’s so many video games I have that I haven’t played yet and I really enjoy but it feels like wasting time but it’s so hypocritical for me to say that because, I waste time on my phone. But I would like to play hades 2, other games on the switch, some steam games I haven’t touched in a while and a bunch of other stuff.

-watching tv

Wild to put this one on here but it’s a long form of entertainment and there’s so many shows and movies I’d like to watch but it just doesn’t grip my interest that much half the time…. But it helps build concentration I guess(more than phone time suck)


There’s so many courses I could take on coursera or whatever other website so like… pretty self explanatory.

Activities (arts and crafts)








-writing (creative/story telling)

-writing (reflective/poetry)

Activities (sporty)








Activities (chill time)


-cafe vibes


-bird watching

Activities (learning)

-research/academic writing

-language study

Being good to myself means taking time for myself away from mind numbing things and using my brain and my body instead. I know this, I repeat it like a mantra to myself and yet, I still struggle.

I hope my writing this list I at least have something to turn to and reference if nothing else.

Your buddy,


1 comment

  1. Hi buddy,
    I really feel you on this one. You know i recently deleted insta off my phone in an effort to be more present, but then i just scroll youtube shorts instead. I got blue light glasses to help with my academic reading, but i just wear them so often cause of all the time i spend on my phone. I really want to be more present in the moment, or like you listed at least do things I *want* to be doing. So many games and books i want to experience, but then i just sit down and watch crap i forget by the time i scroll to the next post. Should we get flip phones and ipod nanos? A complete reset might do us good.

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