Howdy Lucia!!
It has been a fuckin week. For sure. I am finally recovering from driving for about 3 days straight showing my friend around Iceland. The first day we did the Golden Circle, plus a few of my extra special stops, including Friðheimar and Gamla Laugin. The second day we drove all the way around the Snæfellsness Peninsula, and the third day we went down south to Vík (and most importantly, Súpufélagið) with all the waterfalls along the way. Here are some of my best pics:
Day 1

This is from Friðheimar, on the Golden Circle. The bread was honestly the star of the show. It was insane. Delicious. Soft. Plentiful. I also had the tomato cheesecake and that slapped so hard. My friend and I splurged on this place because we are both obsessed with good food and knew we were budgeting the rest of the trip. It was well worth it, everything from the drinks, the atmosphere, and of course the food, were all amazing.

The sculpture park, of course, in Reykjavík. I took you and Tea there one time, and then we had Indian Food Box (another baller restaurant). No pictures of the more classic Golden Circle things cause you can look those up on the internet lol. This is the jacket I stole from Kristofer, by the way. Water PROOF not water RESISTANT, which make a difference here in Iceland.
Day 2

The next day we drove alllllllll the way around the Snæfellsness Peninsula. This is Búðakirkja, a classic black church. It was a beautiful day with an insanely blue sky which made the church stick out even more. Sadly, there was no one of interest in the graveyard.

Here we have Bárður Snæfellsás, our beautiful half-human half-troll protector of Snæfellsness. Same beautiful day (I got sunburnt), and we got to walk around the Snæfellsness National Park. I love the landbridge that you can stand on to the left of this picture, but this time I almost watched someone fall in and become seagull food. Yikes.

We decided we were hungry on the way back down and stopped at the first place we saw: Rjómabúið Erpsstaðir. It was fucking amazing. This is dandelion ice cream. We also got rhubarb and mint. All three of them were so delicious, as well as fresh and with a beautiful view. We also saw a cat which makes everything better, and I nearly fell off a swing into a mud pit.
Day 3

Third day of driving, we went down south. I am obsessed with this picture because the blue of the ocean was so deep, and then the contrast between the white foam and the black sand is stunning to me. My friend had to drag me away from this view point at the Dyrhólaeyjarviti light house, otherwise I would have built a house and stayed there forever.

Cute little Cairn I made on Djúpalónssandur, where my friend and I skipped stones (well, I skipped stones and she failed to skip stones) and lay on the smooth stones for a long time soaking up the beautiful sunshine.

This has to be one of the best pictures I have ever taken. It is at Reynisfjara beach, which is known for these basalt pillars as well as the cave that is to the left of the frame, as well as the crags and the sneaker waves that are quite dangerous. This country is so fucking beautiful and I am so glad to live here, but I think you should move back.

Of course, the last stop in our Southern adventure was Vík í Myrdal, specifically the church for a few cute pictures (still love how the red stands out amongst the blues and browns of the Icelandic landscape), and then to the Soup Company for lunch. Delicious place, highly recommend. You get two bowls for the price of one, and all of the soup I have had there is so delicious.
Back in Reykjavík

Last but not least, I thought you would appreciate that we went to the Punk museum when back in Reykjavík. I made friends with the guy who runs the place (now that I know it is him, I have seen him at Hlemmur all the time…). I also watched him make fun of a parent for having a child who was scared of his museum. The museum talked about a bunch of new bands I am very excited to listen to more, pönk life all the way.
Anyway, I had to drive my friend to BSÍ at 4am on the day she left and then work a full day that day and the next two days, so I am finally getting around to sleeping and it is great. I still have not made it all the way to the North East, but hopefully this summer I can do that.