Another Year has gone by

Hi Lucia, We haven’t been writing on here as much recently. A few minutes ago, I mentioned “snow silence” to someone, and decided to send them the post I made last year about silence. And that brought me here, cause fuck! it’s been almost a year since I posted that! It got me thinking about…… Continue reading Another Year has gone by

The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window: a non-comprehensive review

Dear Lucia, I hope you’re in for a wild ride. I wasn’t ready when I started this show, but now that I’ve finished it, I feel the need to mull over it with you. The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (WIHAFGIW) is a “Murder Mystery” staring Kristen…… Continue reading The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window: a non-comprehensive review

Leaving again

Dear Alex, Well, we just said goodbye and are off to our own respective parts of the East coast. It always feels unreal when we part, after a trip filled with laughter and friendship and incredible adventures. I miss you already buddy, it’s been real, even when I’ve been not human. You make it very…… Continue reading Leaving again

A Literal Hole in the Wall: Visiting Smith and Feelings of Anti-Resolution

Hi Lucia, You’re literally sitting next to me while I type this, so that’s a fun change of pace form our usual hundreds of miles apart. (Fuck you type so fast? I knew this from thesis writing but I think you’ve gotten faster cause now you even out-pace me!) We are in Josten Library. The…… Continue reading A Literal Hole in the Wall: Visiting Smith and Feelings of Anti-Resolution

A Rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody in Kermit Voices

This weekend was so much fun thank you for showing me that Jersey is not Stinky Dear Lucia, I am home safe from visiting you! As you know it was harrowing getting here, but that is so worth it to spend time with you. I had an absolutely amazing weekend, and I miss you so…… Continue reading A Rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody in Kermit Voices

Making friends off of the playground (feelings – sorry)

Dear Alex, It’s been a confusing past number of months. As you know I started a job, and it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions every other day. The research is exciting, albeit sometimes so outside my own reality of myself I’m taking aback by the fact that I’m at it and making something of myself.…… Continue reading Making friends off of the playground (feelings – sorry)