Passing time

Dear Alex,

I always get to a point, where I realize huh, I can’t just let time go by me I should seize it, or at least start living in it. (Sorry you know this isn’t going to be a happy go lucky one) But then when I’m in throes (Sp?) I realize damn I still haven’t figured out what makes other people tick and why I can’t tick the same. Well, I guess here’s some things I’ve been doing, and done in order to pass the time as the kids say. I can’t believe you called me a millennial, I’ll never live that down.

Ok so to start, I’ve been dog sitting recently a beautiful girl who’s so nervous to go on walks but will absolutely go on walks with another person. It’s throwing me for a sadness loop because I feel inadequate and yet here we are.

As I had told you, I watched Bullet Train on Netflix this week. I didn’t have many expectations, but it was just a rowdy and super bloody action movie taking place on a bullet train in Japan from Tokyo to Kyoto. And more and more random hitman and players keep being introduced with all these different intentions and it’s just fun, nothing too deep. I’d say it’s worth it if you just want to pass the time.

I have to tell you though, previous to this I started watching The Misfits, not the good British show about teenagers with superpowers that are messy but so good, but some other action movie starting Nick Cannon and that one dude that was James Bond at some point. That truly narrows it down. Either way, it’s about some group of people who are criminals but for a good cause aka rob the rich give to the poor sorta situation but it was just so bad? The writing made no sense, things just jumped but not in a good way! So watching bullet train, which is also just a random action movie, was refreshing.

I also watched Bottoms which I highly highly recommend. It’s about two messy lesbians in high school who are just trying to get laid to they start a fight club to attract girls. It’s, truly, peak second hand embarrassment and yet it’s so good. It’s just fun, and not too serious and a good laugh. Also so gay, oh my god. And as a special, because my friend made me watch Bottoms, we then started watching (rewatching for me) Red White and Royal Blue because an actor from Bottoms, Jeff also stars in RWRY, as Henry the prince of Wales. I don’t remember if you’ve seen the movie yet but my god please watch it. It’s such a good queer romcom. Alex, the president’s son in the movie is so American and absolutely a dumbass who’s doing his best and it’s so good.

Books – it’s all queer from here

I’ve also read a few books recently! Last last weekend, while I was dog sitting, I managed to finished the behemoth of a book, The Priory of the Orange Tree, and man it’s such a well constructed epic/high fantasy novel. There’s so much you learn about this world, and yet, the whole time I spent it just comparing the worlds and countries/nations to our world. The author had very clearly drawn comparisons and pulled from certain cultures so it was hard not to get pulled into that. I had a hard time getting into this book and also reading it at all, because it was so large and there was so much world building. But after that hurdle and understanding that I will need to use my brain for this book, it was a really good read. Would recommend! I guess I should tell you what it’s about, as well. There’s a world, half of which hates dragons and calls them wyrms and another half that considers dragons to be gods. But not to be confused these are two very different creatures in the book. So we follow two journeys well 4 I guess there’s a lot of different perspectives. One of Ead as she tries to protect a descendent of an ancient wyrm slayer, the other of Tane who’s been training her whole life to become a dragon rider and then there fucking Niclays Roos who’s honestly just a pain during the whole book and YET YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW HIS JOURNEY AS WELL. And then there’s Loth who’s just doing his best and has to journey a long LONG way to try and save everyone. Anyways interesting book for sure! There’s a prequel that came out recently too!

I also finished reading London Seance Society which is a book set in London and Paris in the Victorian era and deals with spiritualism, mediums, contacting the dead and the whole thing around that. Well it deals with a woman trying to uncover who killed her sister while studying under a famous medium and a man who is recounting his side of the story because he hires that same medium to try and figure out who murdered his boss (the big man who runs the London Seance Society). This one is a good quick read, a fresh historical fiction. I didn’t love this one as much, the writing felt a bit strange to me at times because the main character Lenna just had the weirdest commentary or insights. Like she’d say she had a fight with her sister, but then the actual verbal fight they had felt so unnatural? I don’t know. Still, it’s queer so it was interesting in that as well.

Currently I’m reading Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo. I was turned onto this book by some tumblr user who said it reminded them of a character from The Raven cycle. Naturally, as that is my favorite book series, I was intrigued. I see where they are coming from, but it’s a very confusing book. Like there are scenes that are very artistic in the way they’re written and so I don’t understand what is happening at all. And speaking of what is happening, I am very unsure of that as well, it’s so vague in all meanings of the word. All I know is, there are ghosts, there’s a dead boy and there’s me, confused about the relationships and reasons for what the main character is doing.

What else?

Well, I’ve been taking an art class to find some use of my time and to start making art again. It’s been, so good to be in a space like that just sitting down for 2+ hours and just painting. I finished one piece, a master copy of a George Inness painting and I’m working on another one by Susie Barstow now. Tempera are weird to work with, the ones I have are so runny and so when I add any water it’s almost like they start dissolving and it’s watercolors…. I guess I haven’t worked with tempera as much as I thought I had. I’m looking forward to working with watercolors though, I hope something good will come out of that, because I genuinely love watercolors I just don’t have all the techniques for working with them.

I also want to get back into archery, and I keep saying this, but studios are so far away from me; and so much effort and money to go to? Like I don’t mind paying for a lane and rental, but I just wish the actual studios weren’t like 40 minutes away… it’s reasons like this that I miss living in the city. Public transportation is so much better and these sorts of places are closer. And even if they aren’t, they certainly are easier to get to/without the use of a car.

Anyways I hope you’ve been well. My brain is starting to go into winter winter mode which isn’t great so I’m trying to find new hobbies. One way or another we’ll make it through.

Over and out,

Ur homie Lucia

Ps I’m too lazy to upload pictures of every media lmao sorry